IX Congreso Internacional de Alineadores (Alignea). 22 al 24 de Febrero de 2024.

Conferencia Prof. Gang Shen
A new orthopedic approach using clear appliances S8-SGTB and S8-SGHB to correct sever jaw discrepancies
(Traducción simultánea)

Fecha: 22 al 24 de Febrero de 2024
Palacio de Congresos de Salamanca
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Conferencia Prof. Gang Shen
A new orthopedic approach using clear appliances S8-SGTB and S8-SGHB to correct sever jaw discrepancies
Severe malocclusions with skeletal elements impose a challenge to the current orthodontic specialty. Simple appliances such as brackets with archwires may not address complicated skeletal defects due to their inadequate impact on bone structures. Orthopedic approaches have proven to be effective solutions to the skeletal anomalies. The specially designed and customized manufactured clear orthopedic appliances, including sagittally guided twin block (S8-SGTB), modified Herbst (S8-SGHB) and a variety of tailored clear appliances, are used to modify the growth patterns of the oral facial bone structures and therefore to correct jaw discrepancies efficiently and effectively. Radiographic evidence in condylar new bone formation generated by mandibular advancement inspires an encouraging impetus to orthopedic modalities. S8-SGTB and S8-SGHB also demonstrate promising efficacy in treating malocclusions concurring with TMD, due to their effects in provoking adaptive remodeling of TMJ condyles in response to mandibular repositioning. This lecture will present an overview on the latest advances in clinical orthodontics evidenced by a wealth of literature review and beautifully finished cases.
Dr. Gang Shen D.B.S.
Professor Gang Shen is now Executive Chairman of ByBo Dental Group and Presiden! of Shanghai ByBo Dental Hospital. Prof. Shen Obtained his BDS in 1988 and then MDSc (Orth) in 1991 from Shanghai Second Medical University (now Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine). In 2000, Dr. Shen was awarded Ph.D from the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Dentistry. In 1995, Dr. Shen was in Australia for advanced clinic training firstly with Dr. Brian Lee in Bendigo and then with Dr. Wayne Sampson in Adelaide. He was Chair Professor of Orthodontics Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Stomatology from 2000 to 2004 before he moved to Australia taking up the full time academic position as Associate Professor of Orthodontics in University of Sydney Faculty of Dentistry. He was also appointed as orthodontic staff specialist treating patients in Sydney Dental Hospital and Westmead Hospital. He was given special permission by Australia Dental Board NSW to conduct extramural prívate practice. In June 2008, Dr. Shen returned to Shanghai and resumed his duty as Chair Professor of Orthodontics Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Stomatology. Professor Shen’s importan! posts also included the Vice Dean of School of Stomatology Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Dean of Faculty of Dentistry, Presiden! of Shanghai Association of Orthodontists and Vice Presiden! of Chinese Orthodontic Society.