Webinar GAO Dr. Garlini


The insertion of immediate implants in the post-extraction sites is no longer considered an experimental technique but rather a widely documented method with results superimposable to those obtainable in the healed sites.
For this reason, the possibility of extracting one or more teeth, replacing them with implants and a temporary crowns with immediate function, appears of great interest, especially in the maxillary area, where the aesthetic aspect is predominant.
Although the innumerable advantages that this method presents, not all international literature agrees with this approach: some authors considerably reduce the indications specially in the aesthetic areas. During the webinar presentation we will try to understand which are the key points that we must consider to obtain a predictable and long-lasting aesthetic result, beginning from the implant positioning to the correct emergency profile of the provisional and definitive crown in order to reach optimal aesthetic and perfect dimension of the soft and hard tissue surrounding the implant.

Gracias Dr. Giuliano Garlini por la excelente conferencia!

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